I'm not clear what is meant by "explained to all concerned." At any rate, "all concerned" will arguably have a lot of explaining to do to any new director of NHGRI. As for society's "ability to make sense of the information," well yes- that's precisely the point. If we can't make sense of the information, it seems that the technology isn't moving quite as fast as we might have thought.
This "run-away train" trope has been with us since the inception of the human genome project. But a brief consideration of medical applications from genome research provides good reason for patience. Exhibit A is genetic diagnostics, which have turned out to be a lot more complex and uncertain than originally thought. Exhibit B is, of course, gene transfer. Exhibit C is drug development. Despite large investments in genomic technology, pharmaceutical productivity seems to have declined.
What can be said, at least, is that legislators have moved slow: Collins described recent passage of legislation against genetic discrimination as one of his proudest achievements. I wish it hadn't taken Congress 15 years. (photo credit: Roby72 2007)
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