They provide a very critical view of these clinics and the practice of offering nonvalidated stem cell interventions to large numbers of patients outside of clinical trials- a view that readers of this blog will recognize as one that I share: "those who travel to other countries for stem cell treatments enter into a sort of medical Russian roulette." I would add: they pay large sums to shady characters for the privilege.
The back end of the article takes issue with commentators who have offered a quasi-defense of stem cell tourism, viewing stem cell development as analogous to surgical innovation. These commentators have thus defended the idea of offering stem cells outside the trial context. According to the Cohens, these commentators "do not explain in what respects these interventions resemble surgical procedures and do not furnish reasons why clinical trials are not possible for them."
There is an intriguing theme in this article that ties in with my recent Science article. Namely, the Cohens are careful to point out that there are many legitimate stem cell scientists in Russia and India that have called on their governments to regulate stem cell clinics because their activities harm the reputation of unaffiliated stem cell researchers in the same country. More on how stem cell scientists have attempted to draw boundaries between their own work and that of these clinics in my next post... (photo credit: Alex McGibbon, (courtesy Banksy), 2006)
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